Have you heard about the recent studies regarding sugar-free gum? If not, you are in the right place! Chewing sugarless gum can help protect your oral health and keep your teeth healthy throughout your day. In fact, sugarless gum has many advantages to your oral health care and overall smile. Our dentist, Dr. Kerry Taylor, encourages you to protect your... read more »
If you your teeth have a slight problem, dental bonding may be the answer for it. It can fix a few smaller issues and blend with your natural teeth. Appearance Bonding can match the color of your teeth because it is made of composite resin. The resin is used in many kinds of dental treatments. The shade can be so... read more »
One of the key foundations of a healthy smile is making sure that you keep your smile safe. If you are at risk for accidents and injuries due to high-risk activities such contact sports, it is important to wear protective gear. When you want to protect your smile, you include mouth guard as part of your equipment. Are you aware... read more »
Fluoride is a natural mineral that can help your teeth and smile in many ways, which is why your dentist, Dr. Kerry Taylor, strongly encourages you to expose your teeth to fluoride regularly. To help you better understand fluoride, our dentist would like to share some fluoride facts with you. The more you know about fluoride, the better. Those fluoride... read more »
If you have questions about mouthwash, then you have come to the right blog. Today, our dentist, Dr. Kerry Taylor, would like to help you find the answers you need about mouthwash so you can know more about the beneficial product. To do so, he is happy to share some answers to commonly asked questions about mouthwash, which are: Q:... read more »
If you wish to protect your teeth against any forms of dental damage that can arise, it is a good idea to seek out dental sealant treatments to add an additional layer protection to your teeth. Dental sealants are thin coatings painted on the chewing surfaces of teeth to provide an added layer of protection against risks such as tooth... read more »
Has your dentists, Dr. Kerry Taylor and Dr. Perez, recommended improving the appearance of your smile with a dental veneer? If so, you are probably wondering the benefits of the treatment and how veneers can help you. Well, our dental team is happy to tell you all about the benefits of the treatment so you can know more. Those benefits... read more »
If you routinely partake in high-risk activities or play any contact sports, it is important to make sure you are wearing the appropriate safety gear and equipment. This can include facial masks, helmets, and mouth guards. Mouth guards are extremely easy to wear and can come in many forms. You can either have a custom-made mouthguard designed by your dentist,... read more »
Is your smile in need of a dental sealant? Did you know that dental sealants are highly effective for individuals of all ages to help protect their teeth from damage and decay? It's true, and dental sealants have also been proven to be highly effective and completely safe for children as young as six years old. Dental sealant applications to... read more »
Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps your chompers more than you might realize. In fact, it helps your teeth prevent dental issues. If you don’t receive enough fluoride regularly, there is a good chance your smile could be in danger. In this scenario, it’s best to talk to your dentist, Dr. Kerry Taylor, about a professional fluoride treatment or... read more »