Are you currently in the market for a set of dentures? Whether it will be your first pair, or you are looking to upgrade to a new pair, love your new smile with dentures. Dentures can also improve your speech, fill out your facial structure, and make eating much easier, safer, and more effective. However, a good set of dentures... read more »
It’s important to continue taking care of your teeth and gums all the way through the year. During the holidays, the rush of traveling and meeting with relatives can strip us of the short amount of time we have to continue caring for our teeth. However, only a few minutes a day caring for your teeth can have amazing benefits.... read more »
Do you ever wonder if you’re cleaning your smile correctly before bed? If so, our Chandler Dental Excellence team is happy to help you by telling you about the things you need to do before you hit the pillow at night. For the cleanest smile possible while you sleep, we recommend doing the following things: -Brush your teeth: Brush your... read more »