Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps your chompers more than you might realize. In fact, it helps your teeth prevent dental issues. If you don’t receive enough fluoride regularly, there is a good chance your smile could be in danger. In this scenario, it’s best to talk to your dentist, Dr. Kerry Taylor, about a professional fluoride treatment or... read more »
Do you ever wonder if you’re cleaning your smile correctly before bed? If so, our Chandler Dental Excellence team is happy to help you by telling you about the things you need to do before you hit the pillow at night. For the cleanest smile possible while you sleep, we recommend doing the following things: -Brush your teeth: Brush your... read more »
Any toothpaste that bears the ADA Seal of Acceptance can be trusted to clean and protect your teeth. However, some mouths are extra sensitive or require a certain treatment. If you need a toothpaste that will do more than clean your teeth, consider the following: - Fluoride toothpaste: All toothpastes work to keep teeth clean and bacteria-free, but fluoride toothpaste... read more »