A Tooth with a Missing Filling Needs Treatment from a Dentist

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Dental fillings are often used to repair a small area of tooth enamel that has been compromised by a chip or small cavity. Their bond with the surrounding tooth enamel is meant to last for many years. Yet poor oral hygiene habits can gradually weaken this connection causing the dental filling to feel loose or fall out.

If you have a tooth suffering from a distressed or missing filling, you should not delay in seeking treatment with Dr. Kerry Taylor. The longer you delay the more likely the tooth is to suffer a secondary cavity or significant dental fracture.

Small fillings can sometimes be replaced with a new filling. To do this Dr. Kerry Taylor will need to remove a small amount of additional tooth enamel, before cementing a larger filling into the void.

If the old filling was large or the biting surface of the tooth has been compromised, Dr. Kerry Taylor might recommend restoring the tooth with a dental crown. This will create a nearly perfect replica of the tooth enamel layer in an alternate material. Most dental crowns are made from either dental porcelain, gold, or a metallic alloy.

If you live in the Chandler, Arizona, area and you have a tooth suffering from a distressed or missing filling, you should call 480.786.1734 to seek professional treatment at Chandler Dental Excellence.